Monday, June 21, 2004

A Place to Call Home

Today is World Refugee Day and this year, it is dedicated to the theme, “A Place to Call Home.” Amid the flight from conflict and persecution, in the tent cities of refugee camps, and during the wait in unbearable uncertainty to see what the future will hold, it is a refugee's most cherished dream to find a place to call home and live in dignity and security. At present, there are approximately 17 million refugees in this world.

Being a refugee is being a name and a number on lists. It is being in a mass of people shuffled from one point to another, not knowing what you have to do next or where you are going. It is being a child fearful you will be separated from your parents. It is having faith to believe that wherever you go will be better than where you have been. When you are a refugee, hope is the last thing you dare let go.

As a person who was once a refugee and whose family went through horrific circumstances to rebuild our lives, I speak straight from the heart as I appeal for compassion for refugees. :( They are human beings who have committed no crime. It is a moral crime to imprison innocent people. It is time to END MANDATORY DETENTION CENTRES.


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