Sunday, November 07, 2004

Wingnut or loony leftie...

There are some things I do that are utterly inexplicable. The mind boggles at why I persist.

For example, reading the Sunday Telegraph (secretly, I buy it for Wil Andersen's "pop" column) and reading Piers Ackerman's column. Last week he took a swipe at Arundhati Roy, this week at Fairfax and ABC journalists (particularly Margo Kingston and Paul McKeogh). He even had the audacity to suggest there is no censorship regarding the media. Reading his work is like being drawn to a car accident, I know I shouldn’t take a look (not even a small peek) but some mysterious gravitational force compels me and the outcome is always one of disgust, disbelief and plain revulsion. Oh why did I look in the first place?

I suppose it could be worse, I could get my jollies out of listening to talkback the likes of Lawsey and Stan Zemanek. :D

Actually, political blogs are the best, the mud-slinging that goes on is fantastic (the best form of procrastination, keeps me amused for hours). There is this one blog that surely must be a farce and parody of young Liberal law students. It can be found here: Miranda Airey-Branson. Just look at the name! She must be taking the piss. If not, then the world is a scary scary place. ;)

(PS. This is going to be my prolific blogging month! This means subjecting you, dear readers, to the most prosaic, discursive, epic musings! ;))


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