Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Don't Hassle the Hoff!!

Muahahahaha, the Hoff is in town.
Anyone who can take the piss out of himself is alright with me.

Asked why he had become hip again, he said: "I think the whole world has gone retro. ... Knight Rider was all about saving lives and heroes and fun and stuff and I think people are trying to get back to that. I take no Hoff-ence. It's a gag."

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

People that shit me

I've said it for years, I absolutely detest Ruddock and his apprentice, Vanstone. I really cannot understand them at all. And the whole children overboard affair and Tampa and excising of our islands. It’s really fucked up and hypocritical. It seriously frustrates me when people (well, all the Young Libs I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting) support our role in Iraq under a “humanitarian” raison d'être, yay us for liberating the poor oppressed Iraqi and Afghanistan people. But then advocate shit like “all refugee claims are bogus” when the majority of asylum seekers that arrive on our shores are Iraqi refugees. It’s so damn hypocritical; give yourself a pat on the back for helping these people but god forbid, if the same oppressed people want to start a new life here because their house was demolished by an American GBU-52 Paveway bomb dropped from an Australian F18.

Double Grrr!

I am sick and in a bad mood! Beware!!! :p